Monday, September 3, 2012

Living in Korea

A little over 3 months ago I moved to Korea with my husband. We recently got married. I made a promise within myself and to him that I would go where ever he went. I strongly believe that husband and wife should not be apart for too long if the situation allows. So here I am.

Here are some things that I have experienced so far.

The country of Korea is very beautiful. So beautiful in fact that, I find myself staring at the mountains and scenery and think I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I mean back at home, I used to take pictures of the lake at sunset, but the beauty here almost takes my breath away. To see mountains behind mountains and feel some peace is amazing. 

People here stare so hard. It is to the point to where it makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes.  We were at a rest stop on our way home. It was a fairly long drive. I remember this one lady. She was staring so hard that she literally bent over backwards to see me and my husband holding hands. At that time I wasn't settle in, so I didn't respond the way I do now. Now, I stare back until they look down or away. I think to myself "they have no idea how that makes me feel." I understand that it is not normal at all to see a couple like us. But, I think that they should show some respect. Some people here are just curious and want to know how we met or want to talk to me and converse with me. I would actually love that. I have learned very quickly to know the difference between curiosity and hatred. I look at the mountains when I feel overwhelmed.

The bugs are the scariest. Some are big as my hand! During this summer, I do not go outside at night unless I have no choice in the matter.(like coming home at night haha! One night, I stayed up until 2-3am. I see this giant centipede on the wall crawling very slow. Even when we went to kill it, it couldn't even move fast enough because it was to big!! My husband is laying next to me. Normally he isn't startled by bugs, but even he was like, WOW! It was bigger than my hand for sure. I thought to myself, after I started to cry, why are there bugs that big in this world and why are they crawling on my wall right before I go to sleep. I started sleep with a fly swatter and bug spray. No Joke!!


  1. Lol, I don't blame you. Even though the bugs in ohio is nothing compare to the ones you describe Sam and I had our own bug experiences last weekend when we woke up with over fifty bug bites all over our body. Come to find out one of our neighbor's cat had fleas and invested our house but all is good we bombed the house and they are all dead.

    I'm glad to read some of your experience in Korea, and I will keep you in my prayers. I wish I can witness the mountains you describe. Maybe you can take a picture and post it. I know it won't be as effective as witnessing it in person but I would like to witness part of it.

    Oh and trust me I know what you are going through with being stared at. That happened to me when I lived in Mexico and I responded the same way you did lol.

  2. Hey Karena I pray all is well with you :)
